Get Your Finances Back On Track With A Qualified Accountant!

  A qualified accountant, such as one from Tax Accounting Adelaide can help you get your finances back on track. If you’ve ever struggled with keeping up to date with your income and expenses, been swamped with a messy pile of receipts and invoices that only gets sorted at tax time each year, Tax Accounting…

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How A Registered Tax Agent Can Help You This Financial Year

You may believe your tax agent’s sole purpose is helping you with your tax return at the end of the financial year, however, this is only part of the services they usually offer. In most cases and depending on your circumstances, they are able to offer valued support in other ways. Here are some of…

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Why you need an accountant

Why you need an accountant Why do I need an accountant? You may be asking. Perhaps you have never used one and do your own or have not seen fully what they can do to be worth more than their investment cost. Here are some reasons why a professional tax agent may be able to…

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New rules for property investors 2018

With the uncertainty spotlight on the Australian federal government budget o reduce the ability of rental property owners to claim tax deductions for rental ownership expenses, we outline some of the changes the government is introducing to reduce this powerful tool for tax minimisation and wealth creation. The abolition of claiming a travel expense to…

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Hate your huge land tax bill?

Can anything be done about my land tax bill? Find out what options you have to reduce your land tax and what full tax consequences are now. So you can stop paying huge land tax year after year. Or see us before your next property purchase to avoid paying too much land tax. Some simple…

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How to deal with customer complaints

Tips for business on How to deal with customer complaints Recognise that threats to a customer’s self-esteem will cause negative emotions because they are normal people; It is important to train the frontline staff how to satisfy customers; Resolve the problems in early stage before it is too late; Regard clients’ complaints as learning materials;…

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