Posts Tagged ‘“what can i claim tax’
how to better claim common tax deductions
how to better claim common tax deductions This tax season is going great so far. The ATO are seemingly quiet and are processing some tax returns as quickly as 5 days. Some areas to prepare your deductions before your tax return appointment are: Doing a diary of working from home hours and…
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Changes to tax returns 2021 ATO Warning – Copy & Pasting Claims ATO are setting their sights on work related expenses (such as motor vehicle, travel claims, laundry, uniform purchases and business trips). The expectation is that these deductions should reduce for taxpayers who were working from home during COVID 19. However, the ATO…
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No one should miss out on claiming their deductions Your tax agent can assist you claim deductions which stop you paying your marginal tax rate on the amount you spend on the deductions. It is always important to help your accountant do the best job for you by keeping your receipts and collaborating with them to…
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How To Plan Your Taxes So You Take More Home And Create Wealth Faster Thank you for being counted in for your tax tips. Over the next few days I will be emailing you the latest ways to legally avoid tax. So sit back and enjoy… simply add in your name and best email here…
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