Avoiding Scams and tax frauds

Tips on avoiding scams and tax frauds

What not to give

Your tax file number, credit card details, identification and signatures, banking passwords, clicking on suspicious links and of course don’t transfer your money to scammers.

Simple tips

  1. talk to others if not sure
  2. is it too good to be true
  3. check http://www.scamwatch.gov.au/
  4. ask you trusted financial adviser


  1. tax refund fraud see our post – https://www.taxaccountingadelaide.com/identity-theft-and-your-tax-file-number
  2. tax time offers http://www.scamwatch.gov.au/news/don%E2%80%99t-let-scammers-%E2%80%98tax-you-this-tax-time
  3. watch our video for email examples

For all your individual tax returns and business bookkeeping, accounting, tax and BAS returns call Tax Accounting Adelaide on 0883374460 or book in via our website.