Get More From Your Tax Return This Financial Year With A Professional Tax Agent!

Professional tax agents are in the business of managing tax affairs for individuals and businesses. They love to save you money and reduce tax. They can assist from many financial angles and want you to become more profitable and wealthy. You can benefit from their specialised skillset, wisdom and experience.

Here are a few ways that using a professional tax agent can give you more return from your tax return.

  • A Tax agent will know more than you about legitimate deductions and thresholds.
  • A face to face service with a tax agent is most likely to prompt and uncover more claims by way of getting to know your circumstances better. Online tax returns often miss little details that lead to overlooking deductions.
  • A tax agent has good judgement on how much you can claim without keeping receipts
  • They will know before you do if the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) thinks you are claiming more than the average person.
  • They have specialist knowledge of your related industry and which deductions apply to you.
  • A tax agent is likely to have experience with your occupation and what tricks your colleagues use.
  • They can provide you with the latest education on what to keep, claim and manage more effectively in the next financial year by regular updates to let you know what is happening out there that may impact you.
  • A tax agent can look at your overall financial position rather than just your tax return and give you tips and strategies to make improvements.
  • They may include recommendations or referrals to related advisers which can improve your financial position such as in lending, estate planning, financial planning, property advisers and asset protection.
  • A tax agent can give you specific and effective tax minimisation strategies you are unlikely to know about. If you are concerned about how much tax you are paying, get a tax agent to give you long term strategies to reduce your taxes. There are probably many options that can benefit your situation.
  • A tax agent can help you with complicated tax matters such as capital gains or a job termination which could cost you thousands if not treated correctly in your tax return.
  • They can review past tax returns to see if done reasonably, especially if you did not understand it, felt unhappy about or just needed a second opinion. If they find that something was done incorrectly or could be improved upon they can lodge amendments on your behalf to gain you additional refunds.
  • Tax agent are highly networked and usually have a long list of active contacts, perhaps you are looking to meet someone within their network reach.
  • If you have an important change to your financial situation and need guidance, go along and ask at your tax return. They will be happy to answer or guide you to your solutions.
  • Finally, if you are wanting to start a new business, a tax agent is the right person to see to get your business off to the right start and ease you through the early critical stages.

You really can literally and figuratively profit from the experience of your tax accountant! Go along with your questions and seek their guidance on how to improve your financial position. Your satisfaction levels will increase knowing you are making the most out of your tax situation.

Importantly, if you or your tax agent have been submitting a similar tax return for years, then maybe you need a NEW Tax Agent. Your tax return should change over time so if it’s been roughly the same for a decade, get a new tax agent or stop doing it yourself. You could be in for some major savings.