Lodging your late tax returns doesn’t have to be a drama

need help with your finances adelaideHassle-free Late Tax Returns lodged with No problem

Tired of the stress of knowing your tax returns are way overdue…

Have you been too afraid to take on your overdue tax returns? You are not the only one. We have many clients who have been in this situation.

Are you worried about all the ATO penalties or even jail? Or what action they will take on you? Well, the best thing to do is lodge all your outstanding returns as soon as possible, we help you do that fast and let us take on getting you back any fines and penalties the ATO may impose.

Take the first step and call us and we can make it as easy as possible to get you back up to date with your tax returns and keep you up to date too from now on. We are the experts at never letting this happen to you again.

Have you lost some info? Do not despair we even make it easier for you as we can find some of your old payment summaries for up to the last seven years.

You may even have a pile of money in refunds sitting there.

Do not know even where to start? Give us your TFN, name and date of birth so we can give you a free report on what we need, a quote of your tax preparation fee and which years you need to complete. Send us this info now and get started here.

One of the worst things to do in business in Australia is… get behind on your tax or Bas returns. So call us now to get back up to date, before the ATO gets nasty on you and imposes tax bills and interest on you which may push your business under or even force you into bankruptcy. We can work with you to get the right information to quickly as possible have all your outstanding business income and BAS returns lodged, minimise tax, defend you against penalties and finally restructure your accounting to make sure you never get behind again.

To get started, call us for a friendly quote – talk to us! We are the experts in chainsawing you back to being up-to-date

Of course, lodging your tax return every year is the law, but we understand some things in life get in the way like… being sick, getting a huge accounting bill, caring for loved ones, losing stuff, not knowing where to start or even finding the time.

So if you have missed one or even 13 tax returns as we saw once, don’t wait until the Australian Taxation Office threatens prosecution and is demanding lodgement of all of your outstanding tax returns.

No matter how many you have or even how many records you have, let us make it easy for you. Let us start with your name, tax file number and date of birth. Then we can tell you what else we need, but don’t worry it may be as little as your bank account for all the refunds.

In some years, you may not even need to lodge a return. Like the year you went overseas or had a baby, we can lodge a not required for that year, so that your record with the ATO is perfectly clean and up to date again. We of course as a Registered Tax Agent, can lodge your tax returns electronically so they are received and processed as quickly as possible.


As mentioned often you may just have a pile of refunds waiting for you. Wouldn’t that be great, so ring or book in to get started! We never guarantee how long refunds take when they are for late returns, but we have seen some come as quickly as a week deposited straight into your bank account. If they take more than a month, we follow up with the ATO and that is all part of our service too.

Come clean

Coming clean and getting yourself back up to date is a great way to get forgiven and the time to ask the ATO to consider waiving any fines it may impose.


If penalties occur, we offer free as part of your service fee our experience and assistance to you in approaching the ATO to have these penalties reduced or even eliminated.

Act Now!

We are experts in preparing late or overdue tax returns for individuals and businesses, the late tax specialist.

No one is too simple or too complex. We love to help relieve you of the stress and burden of late tax returns to be lodged cause.

We can guide you to an informed decision. Call us to speak to the right accountants for help and advice.

Call us on 8337 4460 for a friendly quote or use our website to book in now about your outstanding or late tax returns, we make it easy, cut down the paperwork you need to find, maximise those refunds and defend yourself if penalties are imposed on you. Send us this info now and get started here. Your confidentiality is assured.

Or book your tax appointment time, to get it done fast.